My Angel Wings

Finally The New Angels Wings

I am showing off my New Angel Wings. These images I kept uncropped and unedited to show the original pics taken with my Angelic Self/Higher Self showing up.

Since the raising of the God Frequency has integrated  the “Heavenly Frequency Shines” through. This means to me, once we or one has integrated their true Spirit Self you will never walk alone and your Higher Self will show in your Human form as the Higher God Self. So when you see yourself as Two of the One you will never walk alone.


Happy Birth~day

Today is a very special date and to celebrate Spirit has FINALLY gifted me with my Angel Wings. I have been working on reclaiming them so to speak all my life. Metaphorically this means I have been going through life somewhat fragmented and with a broken wing that needed  re-pairing,  The Re-Pairing has transpired after over 40 years of work by my Spirit and Human Vessel.

Today I am sharing some photo’s that were taken during a photo shoot 2 days ago displaying my New Wings fully intact. It couldn’t have come on a better day to display them, as it is my Twin Birthday and synchronistically my birthday as a reclaimed Angelic of Light. I have always been Light of course but now I am fully back in my power.

January 17 is a day that a Great Sphere of Light  – Christ Consciousness  was anchored upon this Earth via the Masculine embodiment of My Twin Creator. I had written about this in my book Adventures of Saishorie Grace, Sovereign Being. Here is the link:

1.17.11 New Sun Codex

Today Spirit wants to celebrate and has shown to me via photographs, that the Solar Divine Feminine has reclaimed her full Sovereignty, She has reclaimed her full power and the Divine Pair of Key Twin Creators are fully in balance to assist the New World in Ascension together as equals.

The Divine Masculine has been holding the space for the divine feminine to clear and correct many distortions of the old Masculine and Feminine’s fall from Grace. All though both in separate bodies the work has been carried out as ONE SUN BEING of Light. This Being is Androgynous. Androgyneity is what my Twin and I are and are exampling to be the new template for the Light Family to enter into. We have anchored the Ankh Symbol into the New Earth and this Ankh represents: Eternal Life of the Third Energy of Creation via the ONE Androgynous Being of Light know to Earth as the Mother & Father Divine Principles. During the December Solstice I was gifted the Diamond Ankh by Spirit into the Body and manifested in tangible form by Mother/Father/Child as a 3 Carat Diamond Gold Pendant. You can see this Sacred Gold Pendant of the Ankh symbol on my neck. This has also been brought into the Earths Core and has been integrated, to lead the way for HU-manity in Unity as the ONE Light of Christ/God. More will be shared on this ancient wisdom in the future.

Here are my Angel Wings Images. You can see my wings surrounding me.

Angel W


In Love & Light


Shelly Sullivan

Higher Service of Spirit
