Great news for the NEW Earth. The House of Earth is now taking it’s rightful place in the Galaxy along with the Divine Feminine Energies, whom have performed the purification around the Earth for this to happen.
For the past year I have written metaphorically about the REcreaiton/REwriting taking place upon Earth for the New to come in and how this played out in my personal life in order to do this – As Above, So Below. As the rightful Landlord I was in the process of taking back of my property and house on 19995 from the grips of darkness and cleaning out the garbage and eviction of the “anti-christ” energy after intense purification of the lower reptilian beings taking advantage of Earths home, this is what is happening with the Divine Mother taking back her Earth Creation. What I had endured and cleared in my home as the LANDLORD, was infact playing out in my life what was happening via my Spirit in the Etheric REalms. THE CLEAN UP ordained by the Divine Feminine.
September 6th the house deal closed, thank God. Freedom, the black cloud has been lifted. Days before this closing I was guided to go back for a few days daily to make sure nothing was left open (energetically). I performed 2 ceremonies releasing the dark demonic entities to the Ascended Master and Archangels to be escorted to their rightful place. Along with this, I cleaned up the electrical and the septic area where they thrived. The most important thing I did a month before was Ho’oponopono.
In August, I was guided magically to this Hawaiian tradition and I partook of the Ho’oponopono certification online. I practiced and behold…it worked. An hour later after meditation on this specific issue with this house and its restrictions I practices with Ho’oponopono. An hour later my house had an offer, it sold and unbelievably quick, a closing offer for 21 days later, it was closed. This is fast, also considering I tried to sell it for 8 gruelling months before I had no choice but for it to be rented out to the dark inhabitant (tenant). Mind you he acted like a puppeteer for the purification process to happen, fully and completely.
My last day at the property of 19995 was oddly nostalgic yet relieving at the same time. I was sad for all that happened and did not happen, yet so happy for the new to be able to come in. I took a photo of my our Dragon who helped us through this last intense period of “clean up”. I bought this Dragon when I bought the house, unbeknownst to me exactly why except my son loved Dragons and I feel in love with the statue.
This Dragon is a structure that represent’s one of the powerful forces working along with us to demolish and clean up what needed to go. When I found the Dragon it did not have this deep crack in it, but it did have a shallow crack that was fixed up. The obvious crack came later during the darkest of times. This damage is only surface and can be fixed.
I learned the greatest lessons of the dark and how they work, at this house, thanks to the dark forces challenging me. It had to be brutal, it had to be cleared. Any way the Dragon is still in one piece, but not without it’s surface aesthetic cracks of a brutal battle that needed to transpire, has been won and is over.
Upon leaving I thanked all who were involve in this cleansing, I forgive and hold love for all involved, including myself. This trauma goes back over 2000 years ago when Jesus was betrayed and crucified on the cross. I have never been religious and did not know the story of Jesus’s crucifixion, until recently I began to research it as I have been feeling and clearing the trauma. As it comes up I become aware of what I am transmuting (for the whole of the monad) and I then research it or a spiritual person whom I tune into starts to channel what I need to hear and understand.
I have integrated with the Divine Feminine all aspects and feel Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene’s pain that had to be cleared. I did not know this would be, until I start going through it. This clean up for the past 3 years has been all about this specific time and all that came after the days of Jesus and Mary(s). The residual cause and effect that this crucifixion and all that surrounded it had to felt and cleared. I did this. Others may have to but I can only speak for me. I do not research this much as I can only handle so much at a time. When I need the messages come up and understanding is delivered all by synchronistic messages and experiences. It is all orchestrated by my Spirit. I do not want to keep on about the story however I am going through it’s divine orchestration to clear it and I need to let out my thoughts on paper if not to a physical person, of which I do not have any one at this time to talk with. I honestly hope this is the last I write on this, unless it is in the future to help others if they to need to clear this, then I will know how to help as I have went through it. Otherwise I will be happy to just have fulfilled this part of the mission and have cleared it all and move forward. Or Telling the story for the purpose of history unfolding now, which will be told in a more fun and uplifting manor.
This is what I consider a further fall from Grace from the light into the dark abyss, falling prey to demons and predator’s, The Divine Feminine has pulled us up and out of the dark into the light, taken her rightful place back along side the Divine Masculine, proving her strength and removing the darkness that hid her and faded her light. This only could have been accomplished with the love, will, loyalty and strength of her counterpart masculine.
It is the Feminine whom had to emotionally feel and release this trauma through her and her counterpart. She also had to rid herself of the demons that attached themselves to seek the light, and the predators who preyed upon the feminine to suck out of her life force flow for distorted creations. Demons that in fact we all created, had to be faced and demolished by the dark mother for the true benevolent creations to resume like before the fall from grace.
Much damage was caused by this fall, one would be naive to think that all can be returned to grace without a ugly battle to the death of the old. All the ugliness, pain and torture had to be dealt with and only could be so with all the love and light support of the Angels. Someone had to do the dirty work, but no one wants to talk about it. The stigma of the New Age “Love and Light” forgets the actual “stigma of the fall” which is truly a dis-grace caused by us. For Earth and humanity to Ascend the clean up had to be done and it was not pretty, as my Twin and I will attest. He, the Divine Masculine is a clear witness to this declaration of the Divine Feminine.
The Great White Brotherhood, Ascended Masters and Archangels work along with us through this. Many miracles and monumental lessons taught along the way. Gifts for the future healing of Earth & humanity are going to come out of this. To get to heaven we had to go through hell first. Earth is a place of many trials and you have to make the grade. Now humanity will learn too live in God’s Kingdom, from chaos to order, from mis-alignment to balance.
I feel an alignment and balance has truly been reached between the male and female principals of the ONE Creator, the ONE Androgynous Being. so we can return back to love, bring us back home into God’s perfect world. Thousands of Light workers can relate and have done there work, BUT millions more need to do this. The New Leaders of Light have and will continue to pave the way until the masses are reached for Ascension.
So as written in the past about this experience and house at 19995 Yonge St, where hell was met and conquered, the true full story is going down with history as a monumental battle that held space for the biggest take down spiritually and galacticly of the dark. Where The Golden Christ Consciousness, Jesus & The Spacesship-Merkaba settled into this property as I watched over and acted out, while this was done! So it is, a New Kingdom will be established, a rebirth into a world without suffering.
UPDATE: 10 hrs after posting this I found this video from a lady who I listen to and have tuned into. Spirit knows who I tune into and sends me messages when needed via these people. This video below by Amanda Ellis, she talks exactly of what I had been clearing for the past 6 months on a conscious level, learning about what I am clearing as I do the work…anyway incredible yet again how these magically messages come up just when the time is ripe. She talks of forgiving the betrayal of Jesus, Mother Mary and Mary Magdelene’s etc… Although this darkness is still playing out on the planet now and certain people are here now to play this out for ascension, she gives a good idea of where our hearts should be now in moving forward and that is a place of love and forgiveness. The only thing that will differ is, if these dark ones are still attempting to hurt others all the way through ascension what will be done? We as Creators will have to make that script, will we not?
Then I am brought back to the message: literally my computer opened this paragraph up after contemplating this question. The The Seventh Ray, Revealer of the New Age: “You Are The Seventh Ray” – This Ray of Order and it’s incoming, is partially responsible for the present tendency for world affairs toward governmental dictatorship and the imposed control of the central governing body.”
Question answered, thank you to Spirit.
Tune in at 12:00 min to get to my point of forgiveness and clearing of the past.
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In Love and Light,