This is a huge synchronicity that just transpired after my coming across some notes I wrote 2 years ago…
Double White Diamond Legions of Light A New Sun has birthed. Just as the New Earth/Old Earth Split has…
Solar Crown Encompasses New Earth ~ Nova Terra The Golden Solar Crown has been set around the New Earth aka…
Since the passing of my Beloved Yellow Labrador Honey, much has become clear about her ultimate assassination and the constant…
Major Turning Point for Humanity as a Galactic Planet WE MUST BECOME ONE This past weekend and on this…
Completion of the Karmic Cycle of the Fallen Angelic Template In 2015 I released Twin Flame Prophecy video on…
Until recently it was impossible to share this publicly as the Spiritual Battle has been so gruelling and tragic…
The New Love Template Here is an excerpt from my book Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, Sovereign Being, Book 1 “We…
Unifying the Christ in Muskoka The Divine Feminine Christ has fully integrated the Golden Christ Cosmic Light Ship as…
I have predicted and phrophecised the Twin Flame Union phenomenon as well as the New Earth / Old Earth Split…