Take the Risk 16-Oct EXTENDED CAPRICORN : Treating them as a * person * not an object of desire from…
These images below of the Sun were taken last night, October, 20 2019. An Epiphany took place while the transmission…
I have been drawn to Telos lately. In this above video meditation by Steve Nobel, I had a big epiphany…
Here is a post from Athena Ash on Facebook this morning, it made me think of my cosmic marriage that…
GODDESS WANTS TRUTH ~ THE GODDESS IS TRUTH The weirdest thing just happened…I wanted to google a question starting with…
I will be elaborating on these incredible videos later. But for now the story is accurate for me and my…
I really resonate with this article I found on Lisa Renee’s Energetic Synthesis website, the link is below. But first…
Happy 9/9 Portal. A spontaneous activation happened this morning and is occurring now, after months of “testing the waters” it…
I have been watching this story unfold before my eyes. This is a example of a Lightworker whom has become…
From this experience great things are to come! Like a switch went on and the Moon and Sun started a…