Chronicle of Crimes against Humanity – Truth about “The Corona Virus”

Chronicle of Crimes against Humanity

Here is a chronicle, over time I documented and reported a record events of a premeditated criminal scam against Humanity with emphasis on my story of bio-weaponry, direct energy weaponry ongoing attacks to Myself and Mother Earth that lead to my uncovering the truth of the Corona Virus Pandemic, an ongoing program that has become the cancer like parasite of our world that has corrupted all governing arenas that pretend to have the people’s best interest ie: World Health Organization, WHO, current political government etc… however this and like institutions cannot sustain life within what is here and  continues to come in which is the The Way of New Creation.

This story is a mammoth of Truth Telling that includes the most miraculous survival of the unfathomably targeting and torture I have endured as a sacrificial death and resurrection.  This world wide mess of the virus, This old dying system does effect most innocent people on this Earth as we know today. However it is a New Dawn of New Creation, By the New Creators.

Virus Scam ~ Exposed


Virus Attack via Wireless and Internet Devices



Shelly’s Miracle Healing


The Night I Died

Message from Divine Feminine Warrior

Message from the Divine Feminine Warrior ~ Part 2

5G ~ Virus Mission

5G Mission Part 2 ~ Country Living Escape From the “Plandemic”


Message from the Galactic Technological Commander in Chief ~ “It is Game Over”


The Goddess Giveth and Taketh Away ~ The Life Force Energy of Light and Dark

Interesting Link just sent to me today while creating this file:

Bell to launch 5G services this year using Nokia’s RAN equipment: CEO


This virus is distorted and is evil, the Dark and the Light expose the evil to distinguish it. What better way than  to come up with a way to lure the evil greed ones out into the open and this is why the virus was created. The corona virus was created to expose evil. It was the only way to bring back into balance what once was once in alignment: the Light and the Dark. The Fall with the Roman Empire in our many lifetimes is what distorted the flow of yin and yang by demonizing the Feminine and corrupting the  Masculinity.

The truth I have uncovered is the greatest attempted “take down of humanity” as of yet by the powers that were and this is the End of that and Victory surpasses the fading fossil  dinosaur  ways that became the epitome of evil when the Roman Empire fell from Grace ~ The Divine Mother.  The true purpose behind this crime is an ongoing attempt to suppress and harm the Divine Sacred Love between the Divine Masculine and Sacred Feminine Principles. Proof will arise and what has been paved ahead is Justice for All.  The last article link is actually the most breathtakingly beautiful Love Story the Worlds have ever witnessed and will witness. This is the Beginning of the Victory of Love for the New Earth.


In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service
